What's red and white on the outside but gray and white on the inside?
How do you make instant elephant?
If you took away an elephants trunk how would it smell?
What time is it when ten elephants are chasing you?
cheers you up when you are sick?
weighs 5,000 lbs and wears glass slippers?
What do
elephants do for laughs?
game do elephants like to play most?
Why do
elephants wear red toenail polish?
Why do
elephants paint their toenails red?
Why do
elephants hide in strawberry patches?
Why do
elephants stomp on people?
Why did the elephant cross the road?
What is
large and gray and goes around and around in circles?
What has
6 legs, 3 ears, 4 tusks, and 2 trunks?
What did
the cat say to the elephant?
What did
the grape say to the elephant?
the difference between eating an elephant or peanut
How do
you stop a charging elephant?
How can
you tell when an elephant has been in your refrigerator?
How can
you tell when an elephant is under your bed?
If you
see an elephant in your car, what time is it?
Why do
elephants have grey skin?
should you do to a blue elephant?
should you do to a green elephant?
should you do to a red elephant?
should you do to a yellow elephant?
should you do to a white elephant?
How do
you get down off an elephant?
Who is
the most famous male singing elephant?
Who is
the most famous female singing elephant?
don't elephants ride bikes?